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Richard Lucas
Aberystwyth University
United Kingdom

Brief Bio
Professor Richard Lucas (Aberystwyth University’s Department of Geography and Earth Science) has over 35 years of experience in multi-scale temporal characterisation of primarily vegetated environments from Earth observation data in support of ecological, biogeographical, carbon cycle and climate science, with this obtained primarily through academic research/teaching and government-related positions in Australia and the UK He continues to lead the conceptual development and implementation of the globally applicable Living Earth approach for consistent characterisation, mapping and monitoring of environments from spaceborne data and has provided significant contributions to the generation of global products including forest extent (with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)), woody above ground biomass (with the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Climate Change initiative) and mangrove extent and change (the Global Mangrove Watch, with Wetlands International and The Nature Conservancy). At national to regional levels, he has developed innovative products on secondary forests vegetation structure and land cover (including in Amazonia, Africa, Australia, Wales), that have increased understanding of ecosystem states and dynamics and environmental change. He has contributed to policy and land management agendas and engaged in public understanding of Earth observation science and global environmental issues. ... More >>


Fernando J. Aguilar, Universidad de Almería, Spain
Bharath Haridas Aithal, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
Akhtar Alam, University of Kashmir, India
Manuel Arbelo, Departamento de Fisica, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain
Thierry Badard, Laval University, Canada
Pete Bettinger, University of Georgia, United States
Sytze Bruin, Wageningen University and Research, Netherlands
Ansgar Brunn, Technical University of Applied Sciences Wurzburg-Schweinfurt, Germany
Daniela Carrion, DICA, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Ling Chang, University of Twente, Netherlands
Filiberto Chiabrando, Politecnico di Torino- DAD, Italy
Eliseo Clementini, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Antonio Corral, University of Almeria, Spain
Mattia Crespi, Geodesy and Geomatics Division, DICEA, Sapienza School for Advanced Studies, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Italy
Mehmet Ali Çullu, Independent Researcher, Turkey
Vincenzo Di Pietra, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
Anastasios Doulamis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Gianfranco Fornaro, National Research Council of Italy, Italy
Giovanni Forte, DICEA, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
Gil Rito Gonçalves, University of Coimbra & INESC Coimbra, Portugal
Ismail Rakıp Karas, Computer Engineering Department, Karabuk University, Turkey
Marcin Kulawiak, Faculy of Electronics, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Miguel R. Luaces, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Vladimir V. Lukin, Transmitters, Receivers and Signal Processing, Kharkov Aviation Institute, Ukraine
Ron Mahabir, George Mason University, United States
Jean Francois Mas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico
Helmi Zulhaidi Mohd Shafri, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia
Marco Moreno-Ibarra, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico
Gintautas Mozgeris, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Zahn Munch, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Shailesh Nayak, National Institute of Advanced Studies, India
Anand Nayyar, Duy Tan University, Vietnam
Rouzbeh Nazari, University of Memphis, United States
Francesco Nex, University of Twente, Netherlands
Evlyn M. L. M. Novo, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil
Mahesh Pal, National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, India
Christian Prehofer, DENSO Automotive Germany, Germany
Tarmo K Remmel, York University, Canada
Rosanna Rivero, University of Georgia, Design, United States
Mathieu Roche, Cirad, France
Jose Rodriguez-Avi, University of Jaén, Spain
Erick Sánchez Flores, Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez, Mexico
Angela Schwering, University Münster, Germany
Diego Seco, Universidade da Coruña, Spain
Himan Shahabi, University of Kurdistan, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Sulochana Shekhar, Central University of Tamil Nadu, India
Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Brazil
Francesco Soldovieri, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Cornelis Stal, HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Belgium
Khairul Nizam Tahar, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia
Ana Cláudia Moreira Teodoro, Oporto University, Portugal
Cláudia M. Viana, University of Lisbon, Portugal
Benoit Vozel, University of Rennes I - IETR/Shine, France
Huayi Wu, Wuhan University, China
Jing Yao, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Le Yu, Tsinghua University, China

(list not yet complete)
