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Previous Awards

The papers receiving these awards were selected from a set of outstanding papers, based on the quantitative and qualitative classifications as well as comments provided by the program committee reviewers, their final classification as full paper and their oral presentation at the conference.

2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015


Best Paper Award

Area: Data Acquisition and Processing
Deep Learning Application for Urban Change Detection from Aerial Images
Tautvydas Fyleris, Andrius Kriščiūnas, Valentas Gružauskas and Dalia Čalnerytė

Best Student Paper Award

Best Poster Award

Area: Remote Sensing
Study on Ground Motions in Southwest Bulgaria based on in-Situ and Satellite Data
Mila Atanasova-Zlatareva, Hristo Nikolov and Nikolay Dimitrov


Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Best Poster Award

Area: Modeling, Representation and Visualization
Analysis of Cartographic Generalization based on PYTHON Programming Language on Digital Topographic Maps
Marko Stojanović, Siniša Drobnjak, Jasmina M. Jovanović, Nenad Galjak and Ana Vučićević


Best Paper Award

Area: Modeling, Representation and Visualization
The e-approximation of the Label Correcting Modification of the Dijkstra's Algorithm
František Kolovský, Jan Ježek and Ivana Kolingerová

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Knowledge Extraction and Management
Optimizing Sample Patches Selection of CNN to Improve the mIOU on Landslide Detection
Omid Ghorbanzadeh and Thomas Blaschke

Best Poster Award

Area: Data Acquisition and Processing
Management and Creation of a New Tourist Route in the National Park of the Sibillini Mountains using GIS Software, for Economic Development
Matteo Gentilucci, Maurizio Barbieri, Narendra N. Dalei and Eleonora Gentilucci


Best Paper Award

Area: Modeling, Representation and Visualization
VOLA: A Compact Volumetric Format for 3D Mapping and Embedded Systems
Jonathan Byrne, Léonie Buckley, Sam Caulfield and David Moloney

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Knowledge Extraction and Management
ResPred: A Privacy Preserving Location Prediction System Ensuring Location-based Service Utility
Arielle Moro and Benoît Garbinato

Best PhD Project Award

Reconstruction of Piecewise-explicit Surfaces from Three-dimensional Polylines - Applications in Seismic Interpretation in Compressive Domain
Joseph Baudrillard, Sébastien Guillon, Jean-Marc Chassery, Michèle Rombaut and Kai Wang


Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Modeling, Representation and Visualization
Multi-labelled Image Segmentation in Irregular, Weighted Networks: A Spatial Autocorrelation Approach
Raphaël Ceré and François Bavaud

Best Poster Award

Area: Modeling, Representation and Visualization
Development of Mapping Design for Agricultural Features Extracted from LiDAR Datasets
Nerissa B. Gatdula, Mylene V. Jerez, Therese Anne M. Rollan, Ronalyn P. Jose, Coleen Dorothy U. Caranza, Joyce Anne Laurente and Ariel C. Blanco

Best PhD Project Award

The Use of 3DGIS Models to Develop a New Model of Urban Management: The Fortaleza- Brasil Case Study
Caroline Camara, Ana Paula Falcão and Jorge Baptista e Silva


Best Paper Award

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Knowledge Extraction and Management
Automating Government Spatial Transactions
Premalatha Varadharajulu, Geoff West, David A. McMeekin, Simon Moncrieff and Lesley Arnold

Best Poster Award

Area: Data Acquisition and Processing
Gathering GPR Inspections and UAV Survey in Cultural Heritage Documentation Context
Alessandro Arato, Flora Garofalo, Giulia Sammartano and Antonia Spanò

Best PhD Project Award

Visual Navigation for Rendezvous and Docking using PMD Camera
Ksenia Klionovska and Heike Benninghoff


Best Paper Award

Area: Modeling, Representation and Visualization
3D Reconstruction and Visualization of Alternatives for Restoration of Historic Buildings - A New Approach
Lemonia Ragia, Froso Sarri and Katerina Mania

Best Student Paper Award

Area: Data Acquisition and Processing
DIFPL - Distributed Drone Flight Path Builder System
Manu Shukla, Ziqian Chen and Chang-Tien Lu

Best PhD Project Award

Spatial Temporal Relational Graphs on Connected Landscapes
Alan Kwok Lun Cheung, David O'Sullivan and Gary Brierley
