ONM-CozD 2019 Abstracts

Full Papers
Paper Nr: 1

Remediation of Coastal Marine Sediment using Iron


Ahmad Seiar Y., Y. Nakamura, T. Miyatuji, Y. Hagino, T. Kobayashi, Y. Shigeoka and T. Inoue

Abstract: Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of iron application to surface sediment on the suppression of hydrogen sulfide release from sediments. By using sediments cores collected from Mikawa Bay, Japan at every month from June to September 2017, incubation experiments were made for three weeks under anoxic conditions with or without application of the iron containing compounds; the iron oxide or iron hydroxide. The results revealed that both uses of the iron oxide and iron hydroxide significantly reduced sulfide release flux from the sediment into the overlying water. Iron hydroxide was more effective than iron oxide in the suppression of sulfide release, as concluded from 21-day of incubation. While, no significant difference was observed among the control group after 21day incubation. Therefore, it can be conclude that the application of iron to the sediment is a promising method to remediate contaminated sediments in eutrophic water body.

Paper Nr: 5

Assessment of Extreme Surge Simulation Accuracy in the Sea of Azov for Various Types of Atmospheric Forcing and Ocean Model Parameters


Vladimir Fomin, Nikolay Diansky, Evgeniya Korshenko and Irina Panasenkova

Abstract: This paper focuses on numerical modelling of an extreme surge in the Taganrog Gulf on March 24, 2013 to study its formation features and identify the requirements for an accurate reproduction of atmospheric and marine circulation in the Sea of Azov. Two versions of the three-dimensional σ-model of marine circulation INMOM (Institute of Numerical Mathematics Ocean Model) with different spatial resolutions of ~4 km and ~250 m were originally used. Additionally, two types of atmospheric forcing were used during the simulations of these models: Era-Interim reanalysis and WRF (Weather Research and Forecast Model) model data. The paper shows that, according to the obtained results, the accuracy of an extreme surge reproduction in the Sea of Azov was more dependent on the quality of atmospheric forcing than on the spatial resolution of the marine circulation model. Additional simulations were performed with three different configurations within the INMOM version with a spatial resolution of ~250 m and with the use of the WRF atmospheric forcing. Configurations varied in types of the model: baroclinic, barotropic and shallow water approximation. However, simulation results of the models with different configurations were practically identical to each other.

Paper Nr: 6

Investigation of Characteristics in Mountain Area with the Aim of Collecting Data for Modelling Flow Turbulent Parameters in a Wind Farm Located in a Coastal Area


Sergei Strijhak, Konstantin Koshelev and Arina Kryuchkova

Abstract: The article summarize results of the study of wind farms located on the island of Crete and in Russia using different solvers of open source SOWFA library. Applying large-eddy simulation approach allows to take into account the orography of the area, different physical processes like lower-level jets and will assess the impact of the wind farm and turbulent wakes on the local microclimate of the region.

Paper Nr: 8

Strong Internal Tides in the Strait of Gibraltar: Measurements and Modelling


E. G. Morozov and M. G. Velarde

Abstract: We analyze moored current measurements in the Strait of Gibraltar. Internal waves are extremely strong in the strait. The vertical displacements of water particles with a semidiurnal frequency sometimes exceed 200 m. These displacements are associated with forced tidal internal waves over the Camarinal Sill, which crosses the strait. The amplitudes of the waves decrease with the distance from the sill, and at a distance of 50 km from the sill, the amplitudes are three times smaller than over the sill. Numerical modelling shows that the lower current in the strait directed from the Mediterranean Sea to the ocean has a significant influence on internal tides. The effect of internal waves propagating in a hydraulic flow leads to the formation of internal bore, followed by a wave packet of shorter internal waves.

Paper Nr: 10

Numerical Simulation of Coastal Flows with Passive Pollutant by Regularized Hydrodynamic Equations in Shallow Water Approximation


T. G. Elizarova and A. V. Ivanov

Abstract: The paper presents a short overview of regularized shallow water equations and a new variant of the regularized system for modelling impurities transfer. The examples of the extreme surges simulation in the Sea of Azov in September 2014 with real wind forcing are presented. The results of calculations are compared with observation data of hydrometeorological stations in Taganrog. An example of calculating a passive pollutant transfer using the new algorithm is also given. The numerical scheme presented in the work is efficient and easy to implement in the form of finite-volume algorithm.

Paper Nr: 14

Numerical Simulation of Internal Wave Attractors in Horizontally Elongated Domains with Sloping Boundaries


Ilias Sibgatullin, Xu Xiulin, Evgeny Ermanuyk, Daniil Ryazanov and Kirill Vatutin

Abstract: Global tides create continuous input of mechanical energy to the ocean, and produce inertia-gravity waves which change the processes of vertical mixing, affect background stratification, create mean and zonal currents. Internal and inertial wave attractors may arise in natural ocean and coastal topography, and due to energy accumulation they produce turbulence or increase turbulence intensity even for moderate values of the input energy. Previous studies of internal wave attractors at a laboratory scale were concerned mostly with basins of comparable vertical and horizontal dimensions, while in ocean we typically deal with horizontally elongated geometries and low ratios between the tidal and buoyancy frequencies. In this work we describe laminar and turbulent regimes of internal wave attractors in domains with large aspect ratio subject to forcing at low non-dimensional frequency.

Short Papers
Paper Nr: 3

Numerical Modelling of the Pollution Distribution from the Underwater Discharge of the Wastewater Treatment Plant near the Heraclean Peninsula of the Crimea under Different Wind Directions


Evgeniya Korshenko, Nikolay Diansky, Vladimir Fomin and Irina Panasenkova

Abstract: The present paper is focused on the numerical modelling of the pollution distribution in the coastal waters of the Crimean Peninsula from the underwater discharge of the biggest wastewater treatment plant in this area. Calculations are performed using three-dimensional σ-model of marine circulation INMOM (Institute of Numerical Mathematics Ocean Model) with high spatial resolution near the Crimean Peninsula for a one-year period, using WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting model) atmospheric forcing. Simulations are carried out according to the two experimental scenarios that differ in the presence of the leakage place in the pipeline and its absence. Simulation results are used to study temporal and spatial structure of the pollution distribution, taking into account hydrometeorological conditions and their seasonal and synoptic variation.

Paper Nr: 4

Numerical Modelling of the Circulation and Pollution Transport from Rivers and Wastewater Treatment Plants in the Sochi Coastal Area


Nikolay Diansky, Vladimir Fomin, Irina Panasenkova and Evgeniya Korshenko

Abstract: This paper provides a brief description of the technique for simulation Black Sea circulation and pollution spreading in the Sochi coastal area. Two versions of the ocean circulation INMOM model are used: M1 model with coarse spatial resolution of 4 km and M2 model with non-uniform spatial resolution. Large-scale structure and mesoscale large eddies of Black Sea are simulated using M1 model. M2 model is applied for simulating mesoscale and sub-mesoscale dynamics, in addition to simulating large-scale structure of the Black Sea circulation in the coastal zone near Sochi. In this study we analyse the structure of horizontal and vertical coastal currents and estimate concentration and spread of pollution. The results of numerical modelling in the coastal zone were successfully validated using laboratory and observation data from Elkin et al., 2017.

Paper Nr: 7

Numerical Modelling of High-frequency Internal Waves Generated by River Discharge in Coastal Ocean


I. K. Marchevsky, A. A. Osadchiev and A. Y. Popov

Abstract: A method for numerical simulation of internal waves generation by discharges of small and rapid rivers flowing into a coastal sea is proposed. The method is based on PFEM-2 (Particle Finite Element Method, 2nd version) and utilizes particles to simulate convection as well as transfer salinity. Main simplifying assumptions and the mathematical model are presented for this problem. The numerical scheme is split into predictor (particles motion) and corrector (finite element method solution) steps. The resulting method is expected to be efficient in terms of mesh fineness and length of simulation time.