Abstract: |
This research is a development in the field of Geomatics applied to risk assessment. The main objective is to develop a methodology for multi-hazard assessments at the regional scale, based on satellite remote sensing. It aims to provide a tool to support the prevention and mitigation of environmental disasters, simultaneously capable of copping with multiple hazard sources and exposed elements overlapping in time and space.
The study area is the Aveiro region (in the Northwest of Central Portugal), chosen because of its natural and anthropogenic pressures, which has been widely studied in terms of its vulnerabilities and exposure to several sources of hazards, such as floods, coastal overtopping, coastal and soil erosion and wildfires. This research started with the characterization of such events, privileging satellite imagery and remote sensing techniques to obtain variables to incorporate in corresponding single-hazard risk assessment methods. Afterwards, this models will simplified in order to discard any non-essential parameters in order to integrate exclusively data obtained from satellite imagery. These simplifications will be analyzed and validated through comparison with other studies using classical methods. Lastly, all models will be merged in a single multi-hazard methodology, resulting in a less demanding process in terms of time and resources requirements, with the potential of incorporation in a single product oriented for permanent updates and easy access for territorial planners and decision makers.
This research meets several national and European strategic goals, contributing to increase the resilience of territories. |